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Take Action

Dear AFT Local 2000 Members,

There are under three weeks left until the November 8th election.

Our local has endorsed three new candidates for WCCCD Board of Trustees,

Scott Holiday in District 4, Marla Edwards-Wheeler in District 6 and Patrick Kelley in District 7. They are all working hard to win their elections. And, they all face active competition. We need to make sure these pro-educator candidates win.

If EACH of us does ONE of the three things below, we will make it happen!

  1. Join Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan at a fundraiser next Tuesday, October 25 at 5:30pm at the Detroit Association of Black

Here is a link to information about the farmworkers issues.

Here is information on how to get involved.

From: Phillip Bailey
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 14:04:31 -0400
Subject: [berryboycottdetroit] Sunday Boycott Rally

Friends and Allies,


Boycott Rally Demanding Whole Foods Pull Driscoll's Products from
Shelves Chain-wide

Sunday at 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Whole Foods Market Detroit,

115 Mack Ave, Detroit, Michigan

To show support for striking farmworkers of Familias Unidas por la
Justicia, the IWW of the


AFT Michigan has posted on their blog an article by one of our AFT Local 2000 members about the July 30th even celebrating the 50th anniversary of Medicare.


by Bruce Ewen - July 23, 2015

I attended another solidarity protest this morning at the McDonald's in Redford Township on Telegraph Road. About 100 people started the protest, demanding $15 and full time for all workers, by entering the store and filling it up for about 20 minutes until the Police arrived and asked us to vacate.

We went outside and picketed on the sidewalk, listening to the solidarity of motorists' horns and our own voices, bullhorns and drums.

The timing was set to coincide with the New York State's Wage Board's decision yesterday recommending a minimum wage of $15 for all


Take Action: Make your voice heard


Make your views known to those in Congress and state legislatures who represent you on the issues that affect working families every day.  Visit the AFT's Take Action page.